Man-Up Moments

I make mistakes and I’m flawed, but I’m not confused. I do know what team I’m on.

Manning Up at a Funeral

by Michael Holland      A little over 10 years ago, I had the honor of speaking at my friend Rick’s funeral.  It was one of those experiences that is horribly painful, yet extremely fulfilling.  It’s incredibly tough to pull the words together to express your thoughts, to provide comfort to those mourning, to bring [...]

By |2018-12-04T15:47:33-05:00June 16th, 2017|Man-Up Moments|2 Comments

Sharing The Cheesecake With Younger Men

By Michael Holland   A slice of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory is a decadent luxury on so many levels.  It’s a pure dessert with deep, rich flavors assured to fully satisfy that craving for the sugar rush.  It contains about 40% of the total calories we should eat in one day and the cost [...]

By |2017-04-01T08:24:40-04:00April 1st, 2017|Man-Up Moments|0 Comments

Why Momentum Does Not Equal Success as a Father

By Michael Holland      Burning the candle on both ends and in the middle makes us feel like we are being successful.  The momentum and pace provide the rush, and we complete our days so exhausted, we we must be making progress.  Right? Wrong. In our frantic pace, we work "just another 25 minutes", [...]

By |2018-12-04T15:47:33-05:00February 20th, 2017|Man-Up Moments|0 Comments

What I Learned About Being a Father From Ballet Class

By Michael Holland      In college I had the “opportunity” to take a ballet class for a semester with my girlfriend at-the-time and my two very single roommates.  My understanding and experience in the field of ballet was non-existent, and my appreciation for a dance as a sport was less than mature.  Throughout the course I [...]

By |2017-02-04T15:46:18-05:00February 4th, 2017|Man-Up Moments|0 Comments

Walking PhD Reading List – 2016

By Michael Holland      In pursuit of my self-described Christian Businessman PhD, I started on a quest in early 2010 to read 100 books to increase my knowledge, exposure and intellect.  I achieved that goal in late 2012 and now, each year, I strive to read as many books as possible while also listening to [...]

By |2021-12-20T16:04:54-05:00January 2nd, 2017|Man-Up Moments|Comments Off on Walking PhD Reading List – 2016

3 Times as a Man When Thinking Small Is Good

by Michael Holland     Smallifying is a nifty, innovation term which basically means to break large, snarly obstacles down into relatively small, manageable problems.  You become more agile as you solve each minor problem and learn ways to improve the final solution.  As a men and fathers, we are presented with countless snarly situations as we [...]

By |2016-11-04T17:02:35-04:00November 4th, 2016|Man-Up Moments|Comments Off on 3 Times as a Man When Thinking Small Is Good

A 30 Mile Zip-line to the Lake

by Michael Holland      I hiked Cascade Mountain in the Adirondacks with some men recently on a drop-dead gorgeous day.   I'm sure we expelled a good bit of sweat to reach this mountain's bald summit, but the 360-degree view of the surrounding mountains, valleys, and lakes of the Adirondacks was certainly worth it.   To the east [...]

By |2016-10-21T08:27:53-04:00October 21st, 2016|Man-Up Moments|0 Comments

Men Chasing the Magical Spreadsheet

by Michael Holland      Building functional families requires work, dedication and investment of time.  And it’s the latter one that trips up most men as they try to manage the tension between home and work.  Men rationalize that the time we invest at work is for the benefit of our families to a point that we [...]

By |2016-04-30T09:04:28-04:00April 30th, 2016|Man-Up Moments|0 Comments

Have the Courage to Be a True Statesman, Not Just a Politician

by Michael Holland      I'm inspired by a post of Brett & Kate McKay, The 4 Qualities of a Statesman, which encouraged me to reflect upon my personal leadership style at home and in my business. In every aspect of our lives, we can choose to be politicians or statesmen. Though we use the [...]

By |2018-12-04T15:47:33-05:00March 18th, 2016|Man-Up Moments|0 Comments