Michael and Barbara Holland

Michael and Barbara Holland

My professional life. . .  I unravel the mysteries of leadership.  I am a professional coach and trusted advisor to executives who seek to become better leaders and build cohesive, high performing teams.  Through my consulting firm, Bishop House Consulting, I lead a team of inspired, dedicated advisors and professional trainers helping to advance organizational change.

My personal passion . . . Leading men in life.  Guiding men in their pursuit of knowing how to man-up as fathers, friends, professionals and as men with a purpose.

My goal. . .  Utilize social media to gather my accumulated wisdom as a root on the path that some men will stumble upon and hopefully find helpful.

Michael Holland

Husband, Father of 3, Christian, Small Business Owner, Friend to Many, Seeker of a Band of Brothers


LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeatbishophouse

Business Website:  http://www.BishopHouse.com

Email:  mike@bishophouse.com

Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/mikehollandatbh