The Missing Leader: One Man’s Journey to Leading Well (A Leadership Fable)

In this intriguing leadership fable, we meet Jacob, a leader who is struggling in his first real leadership role.  Jacob encounters David, a seasoned leader with wisdom to share, just as Jacob struggles to understand a note from Abby, his wife, revealing just how much tension exists between Jacob’s professional and personal lives.  Jacob’s journey awakens him to the depth and breadth of the true role of a leader.  Will he be able to become a leader who leads well?

Whether you’re a rookie leader in your first role or a seasoned leader of leaders, this book will prove to be as useful as it is alluring.

Available on Amazon
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True Measure of a Man

One of the resources I’ve found particularly helpful in my own journey is the book True Measure of a Man by Richard Simmons. The subtitle of this book, “How Perceptions of Success, Achievement, & Recognition Fail Men in Difficult times”, sums it up well, but it is more than your typical self-help book. Simmons’ profound thoughts guide men to think deeply about why they pursue what they pursue.  Men in general – and men of faith in particular – wonder if they have what it takes to be successful without neglecting other areas of their lives. As he questions the mainstream definition of success, Richard provides tremendous insight to this and other issues men wrestle with as they try to walk tall through this world as professionals, friends, husbands, and fathers.

I would strongly recommend this book to any man who has ever felt pressure to be “successful”. As you read through it, feel free to download my Discussion Guide: whether you’re working through it in a group or alone, these thought-provoking questions will help you wrestle with the ideas Simmons proposes.